+971558208950 / +971544744145



1A Cutting Edge of Development Thinking
2BRICS in the Global Economy
3Business & International Affairs
4Business, Economics & International Relations
5Caring for Children Moving Alone
6Certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution
7Certificate in Diplomacy and International Relations
8Certificate in International Relations Management
9Certificate in NGO Management
10Certified International Affairs and Diplomacy Professional
11Contemporary and International Conflict Management
12Cooperation in the Contemporary World: Unlocking International Politics
13Cultural Heritage and the City
14Debating International Relations
15Debating International Relations
16Dictatorship, Democracy and Dirty Wars
17Doing Business in Europe – Track
18Earth in Crisis: Environmental Policy in an International Context
19Engaging Conflict – Prevention, management and resolution
20Global and Regional Migration Governance
21Global Business in a Dynamic Environment 
22Global Business Leadership and International Relations
23Global Business Strategy
24Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World
25Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World
26Global Health, Conflict and Violence
27Global Risk Analysis and Crisis Management
28Global Trends for Business and Society
29Government, International Relations and Law
30Intercultural Competence
31International Business – Challenges and Perspectives in a Turbulent World
32International Development – Making Sense of a Changing World
33International Development – Making Sense of a Changing World
34International Dispute Resolution
35International Law and International Relations
36International migrations: a global issue
37International Negotiations
38International Politics of Human Rights
39International Politics of Human Rights
40International Relations in the 21st Century
41International Relations Protocol 
42International Relations: Continuity and Change in Global Politics
43International Relations: Continuity and Change in Global Politics
44International Trade (Import – Export) – UK
45International Trade and Commerce
46International Trade and Commerce, Financial Management Concentration
47Introducing Humanism: Non-religious Approaches to Life
48Introduction to International Criminal Law
49Introduction to International Relations
50Issues and Debates in International Relations
51Next Generation Biosecurity: Responding to 21st Century Biorisks
52Political Science & International Relations
53Politics and Economics of International Energy
54Politics and International Relations Gap 
55Politics, International Relations and Sustainable Development
56Public Policy and International Relations
57Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century
58Right vs Might in International Relations
59Security & Safety Challenges in a Globalized World
60Security Studies & International Affairs
61Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism
62Territorial Branding
63Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice
64The New Silk Road
65Understanding Africa
66Understanding International Relations Theory
67Understanding Suicide and Suicide Prevention Strategies in a Global Context
68Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat
69Water Conflict Management
70Youth Conflict Resolution Strategies and Skills