+971 558208950 / +971 544744145



1Agroforestry Systems                      
2Agroforestry Systems and Management
4Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Watershed Management  
5Basic Mathematics
6Basics of Plant Production and Breeding Techniques
7Biotechnological Approaches and Agro Techniques for Map Species
8Biotechnology Approaches in Forestry           
9Breeding Methods in Forest Trees  
10Chemistry and Fertility of Soils
11Crops and Animals Production Management in Agroforestry  
13Design and Management of Ecotourism          
14Eco Systems of the World                                                             
15Economics of Agroforestry Systems   
16Economics of Ecotourism               
17Ecotourism- Concepts and Modern Approaches              
18Ecotourism in Protected Areas                                   
19Ecotourism Landscaping                         
20Elementary Statistic and Computer Application
21Energy Plantations and Bio-Fuels
22Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills
23Environmental Analytical Techniques
24Environmental Impact Assessment                 
25Environmental Policy Law and International Conventions                                  
26Environmental Pollutants and Biotechnology 
27Environmental Pollution                                                                 
29Experimental techniques in Forestry
30Farm Management 
31Finance and Marketing Management Of Forest Resources 
32Forest Biometry  
33Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
34Forest Ecology, Biodiversity & Conservation
35Forest Engineering & Survey
36Forest Entomology and Nematology
37Forest Genetic Diversity and Conservation     
38Forest Management   
39Forest Management, Policy and Legislation
40Forest Mensuration
41Forest Pathology
42Forest Policy And Laws and International Conventions
43Forest Products – Chemistry and Industries
44Forest Protection                           
45Forest Resource Analysis
46Forest Resource Management and Economics
47Forests and People
48Fruit Plants, Trees & Shrubs for Agroforestry             
49Fundamental Forest Business Managements
50Fundamental of Extension Education
51Fundamentals of Geology and Soil Science
52Fundamentals of Horticulture
53Fundamentals of Wild Life
54General Properties of Wood
55Global Climatic Changes                                                              
56Improvement of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants  
57Introduction to Environmental Sciences
58Introductory Botany
59Introductory Forest Economics
60Logging and Ergonomics
61Management of Insect-Pests and Diseases
62Managerial Economics
63Marketing and Trade of Forest Produce
64Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
65Medicinal Chemistry & Processing of Map’s
66Modern Nursery Technology
67Molecular Biology                                                                                        
68Nursery Management & Commercial Forestry
69Nutrient & Weed Management in Nursery & Plantation
70Paper & Pulp Technology
71People’s Participation and Impact Analysis in Watershed
72Pharmacognosy of Map’s
73Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
74Plant Tissue Culture                                          
75Plantation Forestry
76Plantation Forestry 
77Principles & Techniques in Genetic Engineering                           
78Principles and Methods of Tree Improvement
79Principles and Practices of Silviculture
80Principles of Forest Economics,
81Principles of Plant physiology
82Production Management of Nursery and Plantation Forestry
83Production System and Bio-Diversity in Watershed
84Project Planning and Evaluation
85Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
86Quantitative Genetics in Forest Tree Breeding 
87Range Land and Pasture Management    
88Rangeland Management
89Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
90Reproductive Biology of Forest Trees             
91Role of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Health Care Systems
92Seed Collection, Storage and Testing
93Silvicultural Systems
95Silviculture of Indian Trees
96Soil and Water Management in Agroforestry       
97Soil Survey, Remote Sensing  & Watershed Development
98Structural Grammar and Spoken English (NC)
99Tree Improvement
100Tree Physiology
101Tree Seed Orchards     
102Tree Seed Technology
103Tribalogy and Anthropology
104Utilization of Non-timber Forest Products
105Watershed Concepts, Project Formulation and Planning      
106Watershed Hydrology and Resources Conservation  
107Watershed Survey, Mapping and Structural Engineering Designs 
108Wild life Management
109Wood  Anatomy
110Wood Chemistry
111Wood Identification
112Wood Modification & Composite Wood
113Wood Products & Utilization
114Wood Science and Technology
115Wood Seasoning & Preservation
116World Forestry Systems