1 | Advanced beverage technology |
2 | Advanced engineering statistics |
3 | Advanced food chemistry |
4 | Advanced food packaging |
5 | Advanced food process equipment design |
6 | Advances in Food Processing Technology |
7 | Agrochemicals & residues in foods |
8 | Applied food biotechnology |
9 | Applied mechanics and strengths of materials |
10 | Bakery and confectionery products |
11 | Bakery and confectionary technology |
12 | Beverage processing |
13 | Biochemistry of processing and preservation |
14 | Bio-process technology |
15 | Business management & international trade |
16 | Cane sugar technology |
17 | Carbohydrate chemistry & technology |
18 | Cold chain management |
19 | Computer applications in the food industry |
20 | Concentrated and dehydrated milk products |
21 | Confectionary technology |
22 | Crop processing technology |
23 | Dairy plant engineering |
24 | Dairy technology |
25 | Enzyme technology |
26 | Enzymes in food processing |
27 | Fat and oil processing technology |
28 | Fermentation technology |
29 | Fermented milk products |
30 | Fish processing technology |
31 | Flavour chemistry & technology |
32 | Food additives |
33 | Food analysis |
34 | Food and vegetable processing |
35 | Food Biochemistry |
36 | Food biotechnology |
37 | Food chemistry |
38 | Food fermentation technology |
39 | Food hygiene and sanitation |
40 | Food industry waste management |
41 | Food laws and quality assurance |
42 | Food microbiology |
43 | Food packaging technology |
44 | Food physics |
45 | Food plant design |
46 | Food plant layout and design |
47 | Food plant safety and hazard analysis |
48 | Food process management and control |
49 | Food processing |
50 | Food Processing Effluent Treatment Technology |
51 | Food production technology |
52 | Food quality control |
53 | Food standards and quality assurance |
54 | Food toxicology |
55 | Fundamentals of food processing |
56 | Fundamentals of milk processing |
57 | Grain storage technology |
58 | Handling and storage of food products |
59 | International food legislations and standards |
60 | Introduction to business laws and ethics |
61 | Juice processing technology |
62 | Lipid chemistry & technology |
63 | Management of food processing industries |
64 | Meat and marine technology |
65 | Meat and poultry processing technology |
66 | Modern baking and confectionary technology |
67 | Normal therapeutic nutrition |
68 | Nutrition and health |
69 | Optimisation techniques in food technology |
70 | Packaging of fresh and processed foods |
71 | Packaging technology |
72 | Post-harvest physiology of fruits and vegetables |
73 | Post-harvest technology |
74 | Principles of food engineering |
75 | Principles of fruits and vegetable technology |
76 | Processed fruits and vegetable products |
77 | Protein chemistry & technology |
78 | Pulses and oilseeds technology |
79 | Refrigeration and air conditioning |
80 | Renewable energy for food processing |
81 | Rheology and texture analysis |
82 | Separation techniques in food processing |
83 | Snack foods technology |
84 | Technology of beverages |
85 | Technology of cereals |
86 | The technology of dairy and seafood |
87 | The technology of Fabricated and Textured Foods |
88 | The technology of fruits and technology |
89 | The technology of meat, fish and poultry |
90 | The technology of pulses and oilseeds |
91 | The technology of spices and plantation products |
92 | Transport phenomenon in food processing |
93 | Unit operations in food processing |
94 | Waste recycling & resources recovery systems |