financial risk management courses

1Certified Professional in Operational Risk Management
2Certified Manager in Operational Risk Management
3Certified Master in Operational Risk Management
4Certified Expert in Operational Risk Management
5Analyzing Personal Financial Statements and Tax Returns
6Appraisal Procedures
7Arbitration in Banking Contracts
8Arbitration in Banking disputes
9Asset-backed risk
10Bank Lines of Business 
11Bank Marketing: Building Customer Relationships
12Bank Operations & Financial Analysis Professional
13Bank Payment Systems and Technology
14Bank Sales and Service: Expanding Customer Relationships
15Bank Teller Program
16Banker the Businessman
17Banking Fundamentals 
18Banks and Personal Wealth Management
19Banks and the Deposit Function
20Banks and the Economy
21Banks as a Business
22Basics of Mortgage Processing
23Beta Risk
24Building Customer Relationships
25Business Administration in Finance & Banking
26Business and International Banking Services
27Capital Risk
28Certificate in Business and Commercial Lending
29Certificate in General Banking
30Certification in Collection Management
31Certified AML & KYC Professional
32Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
33Certified Bank Valuation Professional
34Certified Basel III Expert
35Certified Commercial banker
36Certified Corporate Banking Professional
37Certified Corporate Banking Strategy Professional
38Certified Credit Risk Professional
39Certified Insurance & Banking  Professional
40Certified Intensive banking Analyst
41Certified Islamic Banking & Finance
42Certified Portfolio Manager
43Certified Project Feasibility Modelling Professional
44Certified Trade Finance Professional
45Certified Wealth Management Professional
46Commercial Lending 
47Completing the HUD-1 For Loans Not Covered Under TRID
48Construction Lending
49Consumer Credit Basics
50Consumer Credit Products
51Consumer Lending 
52Consumer Loan Processes
53Credit Products for Small Businesses
54Credit risk management
55Deposit Products and Services for Small Businesses
56Determining Your Role in Fraud Prevention
57Discovering FHA Programs
58Diversification Risk
59Downside risk
60Economic risk.
61Effective Referrals Suite
62Elements of Title Insurance
63Essentials of Mortgage Lending
64Ethical Issues for Bankers
65Ethical Issues for Bankers
66Exchange Rate Risk
67Explaining Loan Modifications
68Financing Different Types of Commercial Properties
69Foreign Exchange Risk
70Foreign investment risk
71Fundamentals of Consumer Lending Suite
72Fundamentals of Mortgage Lending  
73Fundamentals of Small Business Banking Suite
74General Accounting 
75Handling Mortgage Inquiries and Making Referrals
76Handling Mortgage Inquiries and Making Referrals
77Hedging Risk
78Insurance Risks
79Introduction to Agricultural Lending 
80Introduction to Analyzing Financial Statements
81Introduction to Banking
82Introduction to IRAs
83Legal Foundations in Banking (basic)
84Legal Foundations in Banking (expert)
85Legal Foundations in Banking (intermediate)
86Lending as a Cornerstone of Banking
87Liquidity risk
88Loan Structure and Documentation Considerations
89Loan Structuring, Documentation, Pricing and Problem Loans
90Macro risk
91Market risk
92Mitigating Potential Fraud in Your Organization
93Model risk
94Money and Banking 
95Mortgage Customer Counseling and Prequalification
96Operational risk
97Payments System Emerging Products
98Payments System Training Suite 
99Payments System Trends
100Personal Tax Return Analysis
101Personal Tax Return Analysis
102Preparing the Closing Disclosure
103Preparing the Loan Estimate
104Processing and Underwriting Credit
105Processing Income and Assets
106Professional Banker
107Qualitative Analysis and Determining a Credit Risk Rating
108Reinvestment risk
109Residential Mortgage Lender Certificate
110Retirement Products for Small Businesses
111Reviewing the Appraisal Report
112Safeguarding Bank Assets and the Nation
113Safeguarding the Customer and the Bank
114Small Business Banker Certificate
115Small Business Basics
116Small Business Borrowing
117Small Business Operating and Life Cycle
118Systemic risk
119Teller Basics Suite
120The Banking Industry 
121The CRE Underwriting Process
122The Mortgage Lending Business 
123Transaction risk,
124Translation risk,
125Types of CRE Loans, Risk Areas and Performance Drivers (Commercial Real Estate Loans)
126Understanding and Evaluating Leases, Appraisals and Environmental Assessments
127Understanding Bank Products
128Understanding Business Borrowers
129Upside risk
130Value at risk
131Workshop : Analyzing Cash Flow Statements to Measure Long-Term Repayment Ability
132Workshop : Analyzing the Company’s Financial Performance and Condition
133Workshop : Industry, Management, and Economic Influences
134Workshop : Interpreting Quality of Financial Reports and Accounts
135Workshop : The Cash Cycle, Seasonality and Discovering Borrowing Causes and Repayment Sources
136Workshop : Using Financial Projections to Fine Tune the Credit Analysis