COURSE OVERVIEWProfessional selling isn’t a hit or miss proposition. It is a practical and consistent application of well-developed, well-refined selling skills and abilities. It is the skill to capture and hold customers’ interest while presenting the benefits of your product in a powerful, convincing way. Participants will learn the telephone sales process and how it is affected by each customer’s particular situation. The skills taught and learned will boost company’s sales and profitability. Participants will be able to pinpoint customer concerns over the phone and determine how their company and product can provide meaningful value to the customer, even in a competitive environment.
TRAINING DURATIONTotal Training Hours : 1-16 Hours
Training Duration      : 1 Week
Total Training  Days  : 4-5 Working Days
TRAINING SCHEDULEWeekdays (Sunday to Thursday)
Regular Sessions : 4 – 6 Hrs Per day (9 am to 2 pm or 3.00 pm to 9.00 pm)
Food & refreshments Included
Weekends (Friday & Saturday)
Fast Track Sessions: 8 Hours per day (9 am to 5 pm)
Food & refreshments Included
CERTIFICATIONGlobally recognized certificate from “Kings Global Career Academy”
COURSE MATERIALHard & Soft Copies of Study Material
1. Email
2. Social Media (For Emergency requirements)
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Passport size photographs
4. Course Fee
MODE OF PAYMENTCash / Cheque / Credit Card / Bank Transfer.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Businessmen, general managers, marketing managers, sales managers, entrepreneurs, customer service managers, sales and marketing executives, retailers. Suitable for participants from any segment of the consumer, business, industrial or service industry who utilise the phone for their marketing and sales.
COURSE BENEFITSLearn to utilise the telephone as a powerful tool to develop good customer relations and make sales
Develop the ability to turn enquiries into sales opportunities
Improve on the ability to use fresh, concise selling language to make presentations convincing and compelling
Learn effective new ways to answer objections, meet sales resistance and obstacles to buying
Gain confidence and motivation to increase closing ratio

  • Mindset & Characteristics of Telesales Professionals
  • Critical Factors for Telesales Success
  • Approach to Customer Multiplication
  • Making Sales Calls Without Fear or Anxiety
  • Identifying Personality Types and Buying behaviour
  • Communication Strategies for Successful Telesales Professionals
  • Effective Phone Skills and Telesales Strategies

Day 2

  • Building Trust and Rapport with Customers on the Phone
  • Creating a favourable Mindset to Buy
  • Effective Probing and Questioning Techniques
  • Identifying Decision Makers – 5 Ways to Spark Interest
  • Choosing the Right Strategy – Influencing Prospects with Attention
  • Managing Objections and Dealing with Rejections
  • Time Tested Professional Telesales Closing Techniques
  • Who Will Benefit?

Day 3
  • Telephone: Tool or Nuisance
  • Major Errors in Using the Telephone
  • Handling Techniques
  • Qualities Of A Successful Telemarketer
  • The Customer-Buying Process
  • The Consultative Selling Process
  • Turning Enquiries Into Sales
  • Cross-selling and Selling-up
  • Scripting Messages & Opening the Call
  • Opening a “Cold” Call
  • Clearing Roadblocks
  • Identifying & Confirming Needs
  • Probe, Listen, Clarify
  • Presenting Benefits & Responding to Objections
  • Suggestions for effective presentations
  • Techniques for handling resistance and objections
  • Obtaining Commitments
  • Techniques to help smoothly lead to a commitment
  • Using the Complete Telemarketing Process
  1. How to Prepare Yourself for Effective Tele-Marketing?
  2. The Professional and Positive Attributes of a Telephone Marketer and Salesperson
  3. Understanding the Psychology of Your Customers During the Phone Call
  4. The Essentials and Fundamentals For Great Telephone Marketing, Selling and Deals Closing
  5. Common Telephone Selling Mistakes and how to Avoid Them
  6. Your Voice: Why Does it Matter So Much and How Can it Help?
  7. Working on the Way You Speak: Making Impressions Favourable
  8. Winning the Customers’ Hearts and Minds by Adding Value
  9. Rapport Building with Customers through the Telephone
  10. Dealing with Conflict and Objections over the Telephone
  11. Telephone Marketing Strategies for Handling Difficult Customers
  12. Phone Deals Closing Techniques, Strategies and Scripts
  13. Persuasive and Linguistic Patterns for Selling and Getting Deals
  14. Strategies for Quick Thinking Over the Phone
  15. Projecting a Professional Corporate Image to the Customers and the Public
  16. Resources to Give Customers Even More Positive Satisfying Marketing Experience