Certified advanced human resource management professional

NAME OF THE COURSECertified advanced human resource management professional
CERTIFICATIONCertified advanced human resource management professional
COURSE OVERVIEWChanging business environments more than ever demand creative solutions from International HR departments to ensure the strategic harmony within the business is maintained.

HR should be seen as having an important role to play rather than just an overhead cost. The challenge for how HR contributes to the business will demand a major rethink by the HR managers and staff and then equally as important how to measure that contribution.
TRAINING DURATIONTotal Training Hours : 22 Hours
Training Duration      : 1 Week
Total Training  Days  : 4-5 Working Days
TRAINING SCHEDULEWeekdays (Sunday to Thursday)
Regular Sessions : 4 – 6 Hrs Per day (9 am to 2 pm or 3.00 pm to 9.00 pm)
Food & refreshments Included
Weekends (Friday & Saturday)
Fast Track Sessions: 8 Hours per day (9 am to 5 pm)
Food & refreshments Included
CERTIFICATIONGlobally recognized certificate from “Kings Global Career Academy”
COURSE MATERIALHard & Soft Copies of Study Material
1. Email
2. Social Media (For Emergency requirements)
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Passport size photographs
4. Course Fee
MODE OF PAYMENTCash / Cheque / Credit Card / Bank Transfer.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Human resources professionals with three or more years of experience or those in a business partner or HR Manager role who wish to increase their knowledge base and gain exposure to new areas.
  • Develop your understanding of HR Strategic Thinking and it’s placed in business:
  • Experience new HR framework and understand the resulting organization structural changes needed
  • Assessing the existing position and develop future strategies including a case study
  • Understand and use strategic models and implementation processes to deliver future based results
  • Understand and be able to deliver corporate seminars to initiate organisational cultural changes
  • Explore new motivational model(s) to re-energizing the organization
  • Develop existing appraisal systems to produce measurable improvements in performance and competency performance- case study
  • Understand and be able to use your own creativity to improve HR performance
  • New approaches to pay and benefits
  • Explore knowledge management and the expanding role of emotional intelligence in tomorrow’s organization
  • Creating added value to satisfy business key performance indicators
Business expectations and the demands placed on Human Resources
  • Introductions & Global Change on People Management
  • With an overview of traditional HRM activities & HRM strategy for 21 century
  • Successful Change Management.
  • Impact of technology on future businesses – case study
  • Need to change organisational structures- exert from TV seminar
  • How changing internal and external customer needs will affect all current HR concepts
  • Where are you now? The HR change model – questionnaire and discussion
How the strategy works – the models and implementation
  • Strategic models – how they work – case studies
  • Mission statements, measurement tools and monitoring progress
  • Strategic models for use within the organization, and measurement
  • Creativity and innovation – their role in strategic thinking, including exercises
Translating strategy into action and examining changes in corporate culture
  • How strategy is translated into business plans
  • The use of modelling to produce plans that can be measured
  • Creating HR quality plans –how to do it –practical exercises
  • Delivering measurable HR business benefits
  • Fail to \Plan – Plan to Fail
Significant changes in how International HR will function in the future
  • Process re-engineering HR activities
  • The three-tier model for HR –benefits to the business
  • Managing and developing Human Capital
  • Developing, measuring and employing competencies in Performance management
  • Use of Corporate culture –how to develop a corporate culture template –practical case study and exercise
  • The changing function of recruitment, psychometric testing and Personality questionnaires
 Significant HR actions that can help improve the efficiency of the organization
  • Understanding rightsizing the organization – an ongoing process
  • How pay and conditions can dramatically improve productivity – at no extra cost to the organization
  • A new look at performance appraisal- ensuring year on year improvements in competency and performance
  • How motivation can change measurable results
  • Corporate communications- a new role for HR?
  • Managing trends; knowledge management, home working, predictive forecasting
  • Developing a personal action plan.